Thru Nannu's eyes: Anaktuvuk, ALASKA.

We had been staying in Fairbanks Alaska for a few days (after we’d just completed a Scenic cruise & tour from Victoria in Canada to Fairbanks) and decided to fly out and visit Anaktuvuk for a day, a little town sitting in the Alaskan Arctic Circle! This was a 14-hr day but was incredibly worth it. As it turned out, Nanna and I were the only two passengers on a 2-hr flight from Fairbanks to Anaktuvuk (Incidentally, Fairbanks sits astride the Chena River. Riversides have some magnificent homes).

Along the way we flew over miles of Alaskan oil pipeline and soared over stretches of Alaskan wilderness resplendent in autumn (Fall) colours. Our pilot (Jake: who was also a superb guide) took us between phenomenally majestic mountains and glided his plane over lakes and rivers for our best viewing.

From up high, we could on rare occasions, see small clusters of buildings and were told these were little wilderness hamlets. As we crossed into the Arctic Circle and onto the Tundra, the landscape became devoid of trees and looked desolate and foreboding in parts yet demanding of our respect!

Arriving at Anaktuvuk, we were met by our land guide Cyrus who hosted us for the next 8 hours (including a salmon & beef picnic lunch) as we toured the little Nunamiut Inupiat town and the surrounding region in a comfortable ATV.

During our time, we visited the local museum and learned about the indigenous culture, called into the local school and Nanna (being a retired school teacher) truly enjoyed the interacting. We ventured into the surrounding countryside crossing many a stream, climbed small hills, picked berries, walked among remnants of caribou antlers and generally took in the wild beauty of this Tundra.

What held us equally enthralled were the “rivers” of scree cascading from the foreboding mountains….testament of the powerful deep winter snowdrifts as they melt away during Spring….

Anaktuvuk (or rather the nearby Anaktuvuk Pass) apparently hosts a twice yearly migration of 400K+ caribou….what an astounding sight that must be!

We visited this town in the first week of September but it was very cold and should warn anyone looking to do this mini-tour to dress appropriately!

We thoroughly enjoyed this day tour. It left us with an amazing and lasting impression and whilst the photos are glimpses of my memories, one has to visit.

I hope you enjoy these photos from this region “Thru Nannu’s eyes: Anaktuvuk, Alaska”

Mt McKinley, Alaska
Views of Denali National Park
Fairbanks: Chena River home
Fairbanks: Chena River home
Pilot Jake: readying for takeoff
Alaskan oil pipeline
Autumn colours during flight
Autumn colours during flight
Autumn colours in Alaskan Wilderness
Autumn colours during flight
Alaskan Wilderness, Anaktuvuk
Alaskan Wilderness, Anaktuvuk
Alaskan Wilderness, Anaktuvuk
Alaskan Wilderness
Anaktuvuk township
Anaktuvuk township
Anaktuvuk countryside
Anaktuvuk countryside
Nanna @ Anaktuvuk lake
Alaskan rivers during flight
Snow drift fencing, Anaktuvuk
Anaktuvuk countryside
Anaktuvuk countryside
Anaktuvuk countryside
Berries around Anaktuvuk
Berry tasting around Anaktuvuk
Anaktuvuk countryside